WEEKLY OFFERINGS | Bible Studies | Group Meetings | Elective Classes
These groups come in various formats and meet during the week (days and nights) to meet your unique needs and interests, or dive deeper into your Bible. No matter what group you choose, you will find an opportunity to build community and grow your faith in a way that fits into your everyday life. To register, call 407-422-0758, email delaneychurch@gmail.com, or sign up online. Click to view SUNDAY OFFERINGS.
PRAYER GATHERING meets at 10am in the Prayer Room – Room D101C.
FELLOWSHIP MEAL meets from 5:30pm to 6:15pm in the Gym (Reservations Appreciated.)
GRIEFSHARE meets at 6pm during the Fall (Aug. – April) for those recovering from a loss. Meets in Room C101.
DELANEY KIDS CREW for CHILDREN K-5th meets at 6:30pm learning to serve God through acting, singing, movement, and set design (Upper B Bldg at 6:30pm.)
NURSERY is available for your younger children in the B Building, 1st Floor!
STUDENTS meet at 6:30pm for Students/Youth Meeting/Bible Study in the Upper Room (Gym). Come early, at 6pm for Fellowship and Snacks.
GRIEFSHARE meets at 6pm during the Fall (Aug. – April) for those recovering from a loss. Meets in Room C101.
ADULT BIBLE STUDIES meet at 6:30pm. Men meet in Room D101, Women meet in Room D103.
YOUNG ADULTS BIBLE STUDY meets at 6:30pm in Room C203.
WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE meets at 6:30pm in the Worship Center.
WORSHIP CHOIR PRACTICE meets at 7:30pm in the Worship Center.
PRECEPT BIBLE STUDY meets from 9:30am to 12pm in the Fellowship Hall, Room D103.
STUDENT/BOYS BIBLE STUDY meets at 5pm in the Upper Room (Gym).
PRAYER GATHERING meets at 11am in the Prayer Room – Room D101C.