Live Wisely


Use every chance you have for doing good! Ephesians 5:15-17

God gifted us with a bonus day. Let’s make the most of it!

Below are some ideas to let His love shine through you today.


Start a Plan

Get fresh insight into God’s Word. Pick a Bible Plan, then tap Start Plan.

One great resource is the YouVersion app.


Take a Moment

Snooze your notifications. Read or listen to God’s Word. All day, reflect on what it means.

One great way is to listen again to our past services on YouTube.


Start a Conversation

Praying is just having a conversation with God. Tell Him what’s on your mind. Ask Him for wisdom. Then listen.

Here are several tips to help you discover what prayer could look like in your life: Suggested Prayers


Take a Walk

Invite a friend to walk with you. Ask how they’re doing. Listen. Enjoy one another’s company.

Here are 3 practical ways you can live peacefully with others, starting a chain reaction in your community: Interaction Ideas


Sing Some Songs

Search “worship,” “praise,” or “Christian music” on a streaming service.

Sing along to the songs in our past worship services on YouTube.

Worship is expressing honor to God through extravagant respect, reverence, and devotion.

Here is a great resource to help you worship God: How to Worship


Give Something Away

Serve God by serving others. Volunteer in your community or your church, or give to a cause you believe in

Many people have the misconception that being “called” by God is something only missionaries, pastors, or church leaders experience. The Bible says everyone is called to serve God by serving others.

God is far more interested in why you serve others than in how well you serve them. He’s always looking at your heart, serving willingly and eagerly out of love for Jesus and gratitude for all He’s done for you.

You are most like Jesus when you’re serving others. (John 13:14–15 HCSB) So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you.

Here is a great resource to help you go “ALL IN” and serve: Volunteer Opportunities


Go Deeper in The Word

In the book of EPHESIANS, Paul explores how the gospel story should effect every part of our life story, personally, in our neighborhoods and communities and our families. God’s purpose was to unify all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

We invite you to join us every Sunday night at 5:30 pm to study Ephesians.

This series will help us to form habits, proactively using prayer, the Scriptures and our relationships with each other to help us grow and mature as followers of Jesus. Let’s dive into this book together!