We invite you to join us for Fellowship, Fun and Growth! There is something for everyone here!
Regularly scheduled gatherings: Worship Services, Sunday School, and Bible Study Groups.
We love seeing your photos! Snap a pic at your next Delaney Event (Sunday School, Bible Study, or any other church gathering). Upload it to Instagram and tag Delaney Church, or Facebook and tag Delaney Street Baptist Church. Post your picture with #DelaneyChurch! Or, email your pictures to us.
Looking for a church home and have a heart to serve in the community?
Delaney Church in Orlando, Florida is seeking a talented and creative Photographer volunteer to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a passion for visual storytelling and a an understanding of photography. This role involves capturing high-quality images to produce compelling content. Photo’s can be taken with a cell phone camera. If you want to be part of our team, we welcome you to join us. Email delaneychurch@gmail.com, or fill out or form at delaneychurch.com/signup.
SENIOR ADULTS OUTING – Saturday, March 8 at 8am
Join Delaney Seniors for a memorable trip to the beautiful BOK TOWER GARDENS in Lake Wales. The camellias and azaleas will be in full bloom at this breathtaking Florida treasure where the Carillon Bell Tower rings out at the top of every hour. Click for more details on this ministry and more upcoming events.
GAME NIGHT and PIZZA – Sunday, March 9 at 5pm
Get ready for a night of friendly competition & fun! Bring your family and friends, and make new friends, too! Come play board games, 9-square and enjoy pizza and drinks provided. Bring your favorite game or just your competitive spirit! This will be in the Gym and is for all ages & the community!
SUNDAY SOCIAL – Sunday, MARCH 23 at 5pm
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
CHURCH CLEAN UP DAY – Saturday, March 29 – 9am to 12pm
Please join us for the ‘All Hands Church Work Day’! We will meet in the courtyard for instructions and prayer prior to doing some work around the church. Refreshments will be provided! God has given us a wonderful church, and He expects us to maintain it! Help with a few indoor and outdoor projects. This is a really fun way to serve!
DISCOVER DELANEY CLASS – Sunday, April 6 and 13 at 9:30am
Discover Delaney – We invite you to attend this course on everything you ever wanted to know about Delaney! You will learn about Delaney’s five areas of focus, and what it means to become a member. After completion of the class, you’ll have the opportunity to join the church! Anyone who is interested in being a part of the Delaney family, or who just wants to learn more about our church should take this class! Visit Delaneychurch.com/signup to REGISTER. Refreshments will be provided. This class will meet during Sunday School time (9:30am-10:30am) in the Church Office Conference Room.
PALM SUNDAY SERVICE – Sunday, April 13 at 11am
Begin your Holy Week with our Palm Sunday Service! Everyone is welcome!
EASTER FEST – Saturday, April 19 at 10am
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
FLOWERING THE CROSS – Sunday, April 20 at 9am
On Easter Sunday, come early to pause and reflect at our outdoor cross, and bring flowers to put on it. Feel free to take family photo’s in front of this beautiful symbol of Jesus’s love for us! The Flowering of the Cross symbolizes the new life that emerges from Jesus’s death on Good Friday. Hallelujah, He Is Risen!
EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE – Sunday, April 20 at 11am
Easter Changes Everything!! Celebrate Easter with us and see why we say “when you’re here, your family!!” Easter SUNDAY Schedule: Childcare provided for Babies and Toddlers. Come early (9:30am) and join us for Sunday School/Bible Study. We have classes for all ages!
SUMMER KICK-OFF PARTY – Saturday, May 30 at TBD
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
COMMUNITY DATE NIGHT (Free Childcare) – Saturday, June 7 at TBD
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
COMMUNITY MOVIE NIGHT – Saturday, June 13 at TBD
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
MEGA CAMP (5 days) – Monday – Friday, June 22 – 26 at TBD
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
ICE CREAM AND FIREWORKS PARTY – Saturday, July 5 at 6:30pm
We’re having an amazing Community Star-Spangled Celebration with Yard Games, Hot Dogs, Marshmallows, Ice Cream and Fireworks! Bring Ice Cream and fixings to share and a Lawn chair. This is a FREE event and will be held in the Gym and Back Parking Lot.
COMMUNITY BLOCK PARTY – Saturday, August 9 at 5pm
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
COMMUNITY SOCIAL – Sunday, September 21 at 5pm
FALL FESTIVAL – Saturday, October 29 at TBD
Details to come from our Kids Ministry.
CHRISTMAS FEST – Saturday, December 14 at TBD
Details to come.
BIBLE STUDIES – something for everyone!
LITTLE FREE LIBRARY – Take one, leave one!
Visit Delaney’s Little Free Library at the corner of Esther St. and Delaney Ave.? Grab a book, share a book; Be blessed, be a blessing! We love being a part of this great community, inspiring readers and being a blessing to our neighbors!
Would you like to be a part of this fun ministry? Anyone can do this! We are looking for people to make the baskets and/or deliver them! Stop in the church office for details.
We would love to have more helping hands to care for our little ones on Sunday mornings during Sunday School. Let us know if you are interested!