

We are so delighted that you are interested in volunteering with Delaney Street Baptist Church (DSBC), and becoming part of the DSBC family. We have several different roles, that provide a variety of ways to get involved. These opportunities we have for our wonderful volunteers, who have the heart and passion to serve Delaney families and our community.

Our goal is to set up our volunteers for the greatest success, not just in terms of the support provided to our partners and families, but also in terms of the individual reward and fulfillment of our volunteers. We couldn’t do this without you!


Get Involved with the following OPEN VOLUNTEER POSITIONS:



Are you a people person? Do you love social media or talking with people? If so, then Delaney needs you!! We need our events and posts shared on social media and event posters delivered. We could use help hanging up our event posters/flyers in the community and handing out invitations in person as well. If you would like to serve in this fun way, fill out the form below, call Andrea in the church office at 407-422-0758, or email delaneychurch@gmail.com.



Would you like to volunteer in the Delaney church office? We need a volunteer music secretary to serve about 2 hours per week. We also need a couple hours of data entry to be done. If you would like to serve in this area, please fill out the form below, call Andrea in the church office at 407-422-0758, or email delaneychurch@gmail.com.



We have a thriving children’s ministry that kids look forward to attending, and we are excited to have so many opportunities for you to serve within this ministry. It’s our goal to help you find a place where you can use your God-given gifts to invest in the lives of children. You will be planting seeds of the Gospel in the hearts and minds of children with every song you sing, game you play, and snack you give.

You don’t have to be an expert. If you have a heart to love God and a desire to help children discover a relationship with Him, then you have the necessary skills. We will equip and train you for service in the Children’s Ministry. You don’t need a lot of time. We have many ways that you can lead children in a time frame that will work for you. You will not be alone. You will be supported through staff and leaders, who will encourage, equip, energize and empower you for this ministry. If you are interested in serving or want to learn more, please contact the church office or Mary Orlando. It will be exciting to watch God at work in you and through you as you minister to His children.

If you would like to get involved, fill out the form below and someone on the team will get back to you.
Some of our OPPORTUNITIES are listed below. More can be found on our Serve page. Click here to serve on an existing team or event, or start a new one.


Get Involved… Use your God-given gifts for His glory!

“For we are His [masterpiece – work of art], created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand, so that we would walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10

We were created to do good works – to serve in some way. Paul says we are one body with many members, so that we might care for one another and edify one another.
What did God create you to do? What are you passionate about? Trying to figure out how your skill, talent, or giftedness can be put to use? Let us help!
Or perhaps you already know, & have been waiting to be asked. Consider yourself “asked.” We pray you join or start a team!

Want to be a part of what God is doing through Delaney Church? God made you and has equipped you with unique skills, passions, and abilities. Finding a place to use them is one of the things that you were made for. We would love to help you get started finding your spot on one of our teams. serve team booklet 2019 all in F (or pick it up in the church office or in the sanctuary) and drop it in the offering basket or in the church office.




Welcome Ministry (Coordinator – Janet Selitto)
• Intentionally seeking out visitors & make initial contact.
• Provide guests a warm, welcoming greeting & smile.
• Provide information on church ministries and introduce visitors to members and staff.
• Answer questions & encourage future involvement.
We need greeters of all ages to help!

Sister’s Ministry (Coordinator – Mary Orlando)
• Plan gatherings for ladies of all ages.
• Come together for friendship and fellowship, & be encouraged in their walk with the Lord.

Creative Arts Ministry (Coordinator – Jeff LeMaster)
• Find creative ways to engage and impact the congregation in worship services.
• Develop special services utilizing media and the arts for transformation and discipleship.

Evangelism Ministry (Coordinator – Open Position)
• Train members to actively share their faith and lead people to a saving knowledge of Christ. Develop intentional strategies for sharing the gospel at church-wide events.
• Work with staff to coordinate consistent outreach activities.

Legacy Ministry (Coordinator – Open Position)
• Organize annual group photo of the church body and five year Photo Directory.
• Help with video testimonies, and honor those who have gone to be with the Lord.
• Promote church family unity.

Library Ministry (Coordinator – Mary Livingston)
• Provide information through media for worship, ministry, discipleship, & evangelism.
• Offer resources for growth, spiritual transformation, and kingdom advancement.

Prayer Ministry (Coordinator – Gene Lindsay)
• Facilitate Prayer Meetings.
• Organize & promote church-wide prayer events (i.e. National Day of Prayer, Cottage Prayer, etc.) providing an intentional strategy for involving the church family.

Recreation and Sports Ministry (Coordinator – Alan Dominy)
• Organize events for church members to connect with people in the community through sports.
• Coordinate various other recreational times and events to build church unity.

Senior Adult Ministry (Coordinator – Larry Hollister)
• Engage 65 years and older members and non-members in activities and fellowship.
• Gatherings that encourage friendship, learning God’s Word and support outreach to others.

Shoe Box Ministry (Coordinator – Carol Smith)
• Involve the whole church in the Operation Christmas Child mission project.
• Fill shoe boxes with age/gender appropriate items, according to specific lists & instructions.




• Hospitality – Coordinate volunteers, prepare and serve beverages at special events.
• Home Bound – Visit assisted-living and home bound members, call and send out cards.
• Facility Set up Team – Assist with special event set-up.
• Children’s Prep – Prepare & organize children’s ministry materials.
• Men’s Ministry – Plan gatherings, studies and service projects.
• Photography – Photograph services and events for church use.

• Event Tables – Man tables at community events promoting Delaney’s ministries and events.
• Promotion – Hang posters for events, pass out invitations, help spread the word, share on social media.
• Special Events – Plan special events at Delaney & in the community.

• Single Parents – Reach out and meet the needs of these members.
• Widowed – Reach out and meet the needs of these members.
• Care Team – Offer support for those struggling with divorce, grief, addictions, healthy relationships, anger management, etc.
• Military Support – Write letters to troops overseas and make up/send care packages.
• Random Acts – Activities showing kindness to organizations and people in need, in the community.




For those that are looking for ways to serve the community, our church financially supports the Christian Service Center of Orlando. Click here to see their opportunities to serve.