In 2013, Mayor Teresa Jacobs proclaimed September 14th to be DELANEY STREET BAPTIST CHURCH DAY, in honor of Delaney Street Baptist Church and the positive influence and services it has provided to the south Orlando area of Orange County, Florida.
Delaney IS TURNING 90!
On Friday, September 14th, Delaney Street Baptist Church will be 90 years, and a legacy of God’s faithfulness!
We will be celebrating 90 years of service to the Orlando community on Sunday, September 16th, beginning with a special commemorative service at 11 am, in the sanctuary.
This is an opportunity to worship God for blessing the many years of ministry. We will also be dedicating our new Legacy Room on this Special Sunday! Over the years, many lives have been changed through worship, community outreach and service.
The Delaney Street Baptist Church would like to issue an open invitation to everyone in the community to join in this special day of celebration. The activities on September 16 will feature a documentary video, dedication of a new “Legacy Room” with historical memorabilia, and a covered dish luncheon in the church’s Christian Family Life Center. All are welcome to attend this free event.
Our History…
In 1923 a Mission that would later become Delaney Street Baptist Church was started by the First Baptist Church of Orlando.
Thirty-six Charter members, under the leadership of our first Pastor, Reverend T. E. Waldrup, decided to form a church to be known as Delaney Street Baptist Church. On September 14, 1928, Delaney Street was officially founded.
In 1928, the Orlando Municipal Airport began operations; and directly under its flightpath, just a few miles away, the Delaney Street Baptist Church was organized that very same year with 36 charter members. In the succeeding 90 years, the church has been a spiritual home to thousands of Orlandoans, growing from a single meeting house to a campus encompassing one-and-a-half city blocks in the SoDo District of Orlando. Orlando saw its population triple in the 1920s, and the First Baptist Church responded by establishing missions around the city. The Reverend T. E. Waldrup helped begin one such mission in South Orlando in 1923, which would later become the Delaney Street Baptist Church. This new church has since continued this practice of multiplication by starting four more churches in the area.
Original Mission and Church Building (1928)
During the following ninety-plus years, we have continued the pioneering spirit of our foundering members in seeking ways to better share the Gospel with the lost. We remain a church dedicated to the service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To this end, we have adopted and added many additional ministry opportunities. A sign on the back of the Pastor’s pulpit reads, “Sirs, we would see Jesus.” We invite you to come and join us in taking part in our rich history and continuing dedication to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Throughout its 90-year history, Delaney Street Baptist Church has actively looked for ways to serve the community with activities and ministries such as Vacation Bible School, an Early Learning Center, youth camps, jail ministry, blind ministries, special education ministry, food and clothing for the needy, fall festivals, and a live nativity, just to name a few. In the arts, the church has maintained choirs for children, youth, and adults, as well as bands and hand bell ensembles.
The Delaney Street Baptist Church looks to continue its positive impact on Orlando by providing for the spiritual and physical needs of the surrounding area, all to glorify God, reach people, and change lives.
Matthew 16:17 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
For the local Media (print, radio, and TV news outlets), if you would like to run a story, or attend the event, please contact Andréa Bourgoin at 407-422-0758 or email
What People Are Saying About their favorite Delaney Memory…
“We used to have Youth Choir every Sunday night, and they would even feed us supper. Wednesday night we would have puppet practice…so many activities for the Youth. I also remember Bible Drills, Bob and Ruth Moore were my Sunday evening teachers (5th/6th grade) I still have a trophy from those events!
– Donna Jensen Smith
“I have so many wonderful memories but my favorite is the bond we had with couples in Sunday School and our activities with Adult 1-8. Those times w/Renee and Bob Taylor will always hold a special place in my heart.”
– Karen Fink Lemon
“Walk thru Bethlehem and Fall Festival, our church family serving our community.”
– Judy Ritsema
“My great-grandmother pretty much raised me in this church when I was little. She was there every Sunday & Wednesday, most likely there on other days too. Best years of my childhood and most cherished memories!”
– Tiffany Berthiaume
“Youth trips and ski trips during my youth years, seeing my children baptized at Delaney. Watching my children grow up in the church. The list goes on and on…I have been at Delaney since birth. Delaney is a big part of my life.”
– Tonya Selitto
“I was baptized at Delaney Street Baptist Church in 1984. I was 13 years old. ”
– Janie Kaminer
“I was baptized,married, and my husband was ordained at DSBC.”
– Deri Oakley Hammock
“So many great memories!”
– Deborah Lee Jones
“Serving on the Activities Committee and being an usher and choir member.”
– Michael Wheeler
“Wednesday night suppers and when my daughter got married”
– Robert “Bob” Claudy, Jr.
“Being a part of the youth ministry/activities was the best thing for our family. My brother and I wanted to participate in everything that was available for us.”
– Carol Smith
“Singing in the choir”
– Timothy Trask
- 5.1.2